Dr. Kirti Deol - Naturopath at TruMed Edmonton

Dr Kirti Deol is a Naturopathic Doctor at TruMed Clinic.

Dr. Deol has extensive experience with hormones, fertility and pediatrics. 

She maintains a fertility focused naturopathic practice however she does see non-fertility concerns as well such as mental health, digestion,  pain and weight loss.  

She has a special interest in reproductive medicine, hormones and fertility. 

Dr Deol is responsible for the majority of Fertility cases at TruMed.


Book an Appointment with Dr. Deol

Call 780-757-8378

Initial Fertility Consultation $325
Follow up visits are $145

Please fill out your intake form below prior to your appointment:

Dr. Muradov - Naturopath in Edmonton

Dr Eric Muradov is a Naturopathic Doctor, and is the director of TruMed.

Dr. Muradov is a major provider of Functional Medicine in Edmonton.  

Dr Muradov has extensive experience with fatigue, digestion and hormonal concerns. He has addition training in Functional Medicine, Advanced IV therapies and Cancer care. He also has a special interest in Food Allergies and Multiple Sclerosis.

Dr Muradov usually is consulted in Fertility cases requiring more aggressive interventions such as Bio-identical hormones or IV therapies. 



Does Alberta health provide coverage?
Unfortunately, at this time Naturopaths in Edmonton are not covered by Alberta Health.

However, many of our patients have Naturopathic coverage through their work benefit plans. 

Do I need a referral to come to your clinic?
No, you do not need a referral to come to our Naturopathic fertility clinic.

How much does this cost?
Initial fertility consultation is $325.

Our clinic Salivary hormone testing ranges from $100-$300.

IV therapies are often $125-$200 depending on the complexity of the treatment. 

How long does it take to see a Doctor at TruMed?
It usually takes 2-3 weeks to get in for an initial consultation at our Naturopathic clinic. 

Where is TruMed located?
Our Edmonton Naturopathic clinic is located at 14620 Stony Plain Road - West Edmonton.

It is located in a character home facing Stony Plain Road that has been converted into a Naturopathic Clinic

Can you access my medical records?
At TruMed Clinic we have full access to any labwork done in Edmonton through our relationship with Dynalife Labs Edmonton. 

How many treatments do I need? How does the program work?
The first visit at our clinic is an extensive 60-90 minute Naturopathic assessment. Any lab tests and the associated costs will be discussed at that time. Follow up is usually 3-4 weeks later to discuss test results and give you your complete treatment plan.

If acupuncture is appropriate we perform weekly fertility acupuncture for at least 6 weeks.
After this, we typically we do fertility acupuncture once per month timed between about day 7 and day 13 of your menstrual cycle. Acupuncture is also timed around your IVF and IUI procedures. 

Can I take conventional medication with naturopathic treatment?
Yes, we focus on complementing and enhancing your conventional treatments such as IVF or IUI. 

We will work in conjunction with the recommendations from your fertility doctor as well. 


Our Naturopaths Focus on Fertility.

Our clinic offers a range of treatment options.

We are located in West Edmonton.

Get in touch